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Who We Are
Upgrading Skills

Exploit the full potential of PRIMAVERA solutions. Benefit from the automatic functions we have designed to increase your company's productivity.

Discover all the mechanisms of PRIMAVERA products. Find out how each functionality can boost your business's profits. At the PRIMAVERA Academy, you will find a qualified team, well-versed in the reality of each market, who optimise the use of every PRIMAVERA solution in every market where we operate.

Our specialised training facility offers a comprehensive schedule of instruction, adapted to your availability and your need to deepen your knowledge. Our range includes classroom-based sessions, e-Learning, Flash Learning and on-demand options.

Check the schedule and choose the sessions that best meet your organisation's training requirements.
The team
A specialised team

Qualified professionals with many years' experience put all their know-how and knowledge of PRIMAVERA solutions and surrounding context at your disposal.

Meet the PRIMAVERA Academy team:

Gonçalo Cardoso
Having studied Information Technology, Gonçalo holds a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Management and Engineering from the ISCTE Business School.

His vast experience includes positions as Quality Manager for a group of companies operating in the construction sector. He was also responsible for the processes of training, audits, selection and assessment of suppliers and customer complaints management.

As Project Manager in the field of Quality and Human Resources, he certified four companies under the ISO 9001:2000 standard and implemented a Human Resource Management System through the Portuguese standard NP 4427:2004.

He is currently a Distinguished Trainer at the PRIMAVERA Academy, where he works as a specialist in the fields of Industry, Maintenance, Logistics, Cash Flow, Human Resources, Finance and Facilities and Assets.

Hernâni Andrés
With an academic background in the field of Commercial Management and Marketing, Hernâni has a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing Management from IPAM – The Marketing School. He has also been certified as an International Certified Coach by the ICC – International Coaching Community.

His varied professional experience includes the position of Instructor and Creative Designer at FDTI, Marketing Specialist, Consultant, Solution Specialist and Pre-Sales Manager at PRIMAVERA BSS.

He currently works as Business Project Manager at PRIMAVERA Portugal. Hernâni complements his duties by doing presentations at seminars and public events. He is also an instructor in the fields of Marketing, Sales and Negotiation, Project Management/MIP and a number of PRIMAVERA solutions, where his specialities are the Portuguese and African markets.

Lúcia Ribeiro
Having attended the Bachelor's Course in Computer Science at the University of Porto's Faculty of Sciences, Lúcia is qualified in Finance for non-financial managers and is currently doing a Bachelor's Course in Management with the Open University.

She began her career in 1998 as a qualified PRIMAVERA software technician. In 2005, Lúcia joined PRIMAVERA's Pre-Sales Department, in the position of Solution Specialist. Her post involved taking responsibility for presenting various PRIMAVERA solutions.

From 2010 to 2013, she held the position of Distinguished Trainer at the PRIMAVERA Academy. Today, she is a Consultant at PRIMAVERA and is a guest instructor for the areas of Extensibility, Retail, Logistics, Cash Flow, Human Resources, Finance, Facilities and Assets, Industry, Platform, PRIMAVERA Office Extensions and Integration.

Academy Passport
Get special conditions for access to PRIMAVERA Academy training sessions. Ensure maximum productivity from all members of your staff whose functions depend on their capacity to use PRIMAVERA solutions.

Subscribe to the Academy Passport and benefit from significant discounts when enrolling your employees on scheduled training sessions. This business card lets you establish a training plan appropriate to your company's needs and at very competitive prices.

Learn about the different Academy Passport options and choose the one best suited to your needs: